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Altegio — software for healthcare centers.

Simple and easy-to-use software for automating online appointment bookings.

*Бесплатный демодоступ на 7 дней.

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2 миллиона

Appointments per month made through the Altegio system

40 000+

40 профессионалов в день облегчают свою жизнь с помощью Altegio

Доверьтесь экспертам, которые добиваются проверенных результатов для бизнеса.

Join over 9,000 thriving businesses that trust Altegio!

Online check-ins increase the number of bookings and the frequency of appointments.

Build trust with new clients

Reviews in the online booking module help ease new clients’ uncertainty and make decision-making easier.

Efficiently organize your doctor's schedules

Thanks to fast service, patients are pleasantly surprised as there’s no waiting time required for administration.

Flexible check-in forms

With the online booking, patients can check in step-by-step: selecting their treatment, specialist, and appointment time in an easy, guided process.

Complies with healthcare specifications

During booking, the system accounts for equipment and facility availability: if a device is already in use, the patient cannot select that time slot.

Автоматизируйте ежедневные задачи с легкостью

Понимание каждой детали бизнеса в сфере услуг является основой экспертизы Altegio

Enhance your Health Center efficiency

The software handles all processes for you!

Patient Database: Makes working with patients easy!

The system records visit history and individual patient characteristics. It segments patients based on over 15 criteria, sets up automatic discounts, and calculates bonus points, allowing for personalized communication with patients. The client database is automatically created by the system.

Focus on your patients with the online booking calendar

С помощью онлайн-календаря салона красоты специалисты могут легко получить доступ, просмотреть и скорректировать свое рабочее расписание и назначенные встречи в любое время и в любом месте с помощью мобильного приложения. Запись на прием осуществляется быстро и удобно, поскольку система надежно хранит всю необходимую информацию о клиенте. Простой поиск по имени или номеру телефона позволяет найти нужного клиента одним щелчком мыши. Такой оптимизированный процесс не только ускоряет процесс назначения встреч, но и сводит к минимуму недоразумения, позволяя больше времени уделять предоставлению клиентам отличного сервиса.

Сократите количество опозданий и неявок с помощью автоматических уведомлений по SMS, электронной почте и в мессенджерах.

Altegio sends automatic reminders for upcoming appointments, cutting delays and missed bookings over by 50%. Patients can easily cancel or reschedule via a link in the message, freeing up the slot to avoid revenue loss. After the visit, requesting feedback and reviews helps enhance service quality.

Financial analysis: get your finances in order!

Analyze all financial processes, explore expenses and net income, including service costs. Automated processes provide management with up-to-date data on the current cash balance and daily transactions, allowing for remote monitoring. Automatic payroll calculations aid in forecasting critical expenses.

Analyze your business!

Easy and straightforward analysis, with no confusion.

Services and professionals analysis

Altegio automatically analyzes the demand for professionals and services, evaluates staff efficiency, and assesses guests individually.

Key financial indicators

Stay updated on invoices, income, and expenses during the designated period. Explore product usage and sales.

Visits statistics

The data shows how many bookings were completed, how many were canceled, as well as the percentage of completed and missed visits and bookings.

Network/Franchise analysis

Altegio allows you to combine business units according to your specified criteria, and you can view the statistics for each location individually.

Explore various integration opportunities!

Интеграции соединяют функции Altegio с другими сервисами, открывая новые преимущества.

Карты и агрегаторы

Привлеките еще больше клиентов с помощью онлайн-бронирования, интегрированного с Google Maps.


Обработка телефонных звонков и отслеживание качества обслуживания клиентов при поддержке различных провайдеров IP-телефонии.

Расширенная аналитика

Анализируйте ключевые источники клиентов с помощью Facebook и Google Analytics и быстро сравнивайте показатели с помощью Power BI.

Additional features

To help you grow your business.

Inventory analysis

Preset the automatic crediting of materials for each treatment. This feature allows you to reduce costs and provides automatic reminders for material procurement.

App for receptionists

The mobile app enables continuous work anywhere, anytime.

Access permissions

Flexible access permissions allow you to hide menu items and phone numbers in the professionals’ interface.

Eliminate human error

Altegio alerts you to mistakes caused by human error, helping you save time.

Phone integration

Never miss a call by redirecting calls when the receptionist is busy. Record call histories.

Accounting history

The history of canceled appointments helps detect fraudulent activities.

Присоединяйтесь к 9 000+ бизнесов, которые уже доверяют Altegio