Using appointment calendar and creating a booking in the mobile app

You can set up a schedule and start working on the calendar both in the web version of Altegio and in the mobile application. All data is automatically synchronized. 

If you have already set a schedule in the web version and started making appointments, you will be able to see all of this in the mobile application. At the same time, in the app you can also set up a schedule, create, edit and delete bookings, work with visits (change status, make payments, apply loyalty programs).

To create booking in the mobile app:

1. Go to the Schedule tab at the bottom.

2. Select the employee and time, click the vacant field, in the pop-up window select the exact time you want to create a booking.

3. In the newly opened window specify all the necessary information on the booking:

  • Select a client. If the client is new, enter his phone number, name, email and click Continue. If the client is already added to the client database, select it from the list.
  • Select a service. Only those services that are attached to the selected employee will be available for booking.
  • The employee, date, time and duration of the service will be specified automatically, but you can change it if necessary.


4. Change additional booking settings if necessary: 

  • Select the color and category of the booking (for example, the This specialist only category indicates that the client wants to make an appointment only to a specific master). You can create your own booking categories in advance in the web version of the program, read more here
  • Fill in the additional fields for the booking (if created). Additional fields can be created in the chain interface in the web version of the program. Read more in the article
  • Add a comment to the booking.

5. Click the Create button.


Then the booking will appear in the appointment calendar and you will be able to work with it.

Working with appointment

Once created, you can view, edit, reschedule and delete the booking.

1. Click the booking to continue working.

2. If necessary, change the service price, add a discount, consumable or change the quantity. To do this, click the service name in the visit.

  • The Quantity is regulated by the and + buttons mceclip0.png.
  • The Price and Discount fields can be edited, to change them, click the number and enter a new value. After the changes click the Save button.
  • Click the + Add a consumable button to add it. After clicking the button, select an action in the menu: Add a consumable or Apply bill of materials. In the same section you can edit the consumables added to the visit or delete them. You can delete the added consumable by clicking its name and the trash icon. To edit an already added consumable, click its name in the booking window.
  • To delete a service from the booking, click the trash icon mceclip1.png  in the upper right corner.
  • To quickly switch between fields, you can use the arrow buttons mceclip2.png next to the Save button.


3. To add a new service to the visit, click the + Add a service button.

In the opened window select a service from the list or use the search. Specify the quantity of services and click Add.

4. To add a product for sale to the visit, click the + Add sale button.

In the opened window select a product from the list or use the search. Edit the information about the sale of the product (if necessary). The Price and Discount fields can be edited, to change them, click the number and enter a new value. You can also change the employee selling the product and the storage.

If you sell a membership or a gift card with a code, enter the membership/gift card code in the appropriate field at the top. To generate the code automatically, click the round arrow button.

After the changes click Add a product or Sell membership/gift card.

You can delete the added product by clicking its name in the Goods and Subscriptions field and the trash icon.


  • The sale of products and its cancellation in the mobile application is possible only in the visit tab. 
  • In order for products and consumables to be added to visits in the mobile app, they must first be created in the web version of the program. Read more here.

5. Make an appointment. Here you can change the status of the visit (Expected, Arrived, No show, Confirmed) and proceed to payment.


6. To delete the booking, click the trash icon in the upper right corner. After clicking this button, the pop-up message will appear: “Are you sure you want to delete the booking?”, click Yes to delete it.


Payment for a visit

You can pay for the booking using the quick payment buttons: Cash and Card, or Split payment

You can also apply loyalty programs in a visit.

The Loyalty block displays all customer loyalty available for use in this visit. If you need to apply loyalty that is not attached to the client, use the code search (the search field in the Loyalty block).


To split payment:

1. Click the Split payment button.


2. Enter the amount to be paid, select the appropriate payment type and click the Pay button. 

3. Click the Add payment button.

4. Select the required payment type and click Pay. If necessary, change the amount if the payment needs to be split again.

You can delete the payment using the trash button next to the amount of the payment made.


Interaction with the client

If a client is added to the booking, you can contact him directly from the visit window, you can also view information from the card if you have the appropriate rights.

Interaction is carried out using the buttons next to the client’s name

You can make a phone call to the client or contact on WhatsApp (if the client is not registered on it, an error will appear).

To view customer data, click the button with three dots.

Select actions:

  • Customer details. Here you can edit the card with the client’s data: name, phone number, Email, gender, date of birth, additional field (if created, you can read more in the article). You can also view the number of visits, how much was sold and paid, the balance (this is the difference between the Sold and Paid values), add the card number, importance class, prediscount and upload files.

NB: On IOS it is only possible to upload photos to the client’s card, on Android, other formats are also available (all formats are available: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, doc, doxc, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt).

If you have an SMS aggregator connected, you can also add a client to the Birthday greeting newsletter or exclude a client from the SMS newsletter list.

  • History of visits. The opened page will display the entire history of the client’s visits with information about the bookings. To see more detailed information about the booking, click the arrow field. 
  • Customer loyalty. Here you can view information on loyalty programs valid for the client (cards, promotions, memberships and gift cards), and issue a card. Loyalty is configured in the chain interface in the web version of the program. See the detailed information here.


To issue a loyalty card, click the + button in the upper right corner. In the opened window select the type of card, enter its number (or leave the field empty, then the number will be generated automatically) and click Add a card

Updated on March 3, 2025

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