You can view the real-time financial transactions of each cash register in this section. It displays all the income and expenses for the month, as well as the latest accruals and expenditures. Additionally, you can transfer funds between cash registers and edit their information.
Configuration and editing
To start your work open the Finance – Accounts and cash registers section. Two cash registers, Main and Card payment account were created in Altegio by default. You can add, configure, and delete cash registers (read about it in more detail in the Creating and configuring new cash register article).
You can move cash registers in the list by clicking the three lines button on the left of the name of the cash register and dragging the line to where you want to place it. This order will appear in the list of cash registers when you’re paying for the visit.
To edit information about a cash register, simply select it and click on its name. In the new window, you can change the name, type, and add a comment. Click the “Save” button to save your changes. You can also delete the cash register from this section.
Balance of income and expenditures
Also in this section you’ll be able to view details about main income and expenditure items. Data will be shown as a diagram that demonstrates what part of income or expenditures this or that item makes up.