In the marketplace you can place your use cost. This helps users make faster decisions about choosing a service and compare different partners among themselves.
Where are the rates posted?
If the application has a pricing scale, then a new tab “Tariffs” will appear on the application page.
How to add costs for your application to the marketplace
To add costs for your application, you will need to fill in an excel file with pricing options for your service and specify in it:
- Duration of use.
- Rate name.
- The cost (full for the entire period of the use).
- Available options and features included in the cost (there should be no costs that do not have any option specified). Specify options separated by commas.
- The actual duration of the cost (for example, the cost may be for 3 months, but you give one more month as a gift. In this case, specify: the duration is 3 months, the actual duration is 4 months, and in the cost options you can specify “+1 month free”).
- Link for payment. Provide a link that the user can follow to pay for the use. This can be a link to your pricing scale on the site or a link to the payment form in the personal account of your service.
An example of a file for importing costs is in the attached file at the end of the article.
Fill out the file according to the example and send it to the Altegio representative. After that, your costs will be added to the marketplace.