A treatment plan is a detailed list of services with their prices, arranged in a specific order. This tool helps orient the patient regarding:
• The composition of the treatment.
• The cost of the treatment.
• Possible treatment options.
This functionality is available for companies in the “Medicine” business sphere.
How to Use
Go to the patient visit and open the Treatment Plans section.
Click the “Add a treatment plan” button.
In the window that appears, fill in the required fields and click “Create”.
Important: The treatment plan displays the minimum cost of the service that you specified in the “Settings” > “Appointment settings” > “Services” section. If you change the name or cost of a service in “Settings” > “Appointment settings” > “Services,” the information in your treatment plan will also change.
Save the created treatment plan. If necessary, you can also save it in PDF format. In this section, you can view all treatment plans drawn up for the patient. The saved treatment plan can be copied or printed.
Access Rights
To work with “Treatment plans”, set the necessary access rights for the user. For this:
Go to Settings > Billing > Manage.
Click on the name of the desired user and go to the “Access rights” tab.
Check the rights “Treatment plans” – “View” in the “Medical documents” block. Also, check additional rights for printing and editing if necessary.
Click “Save” at the bottom.