Send Happy Birthday greetings

It is an automatic notification sent to the clients on their birthday.

The notification is sent only if the client’s birthday is specified in the client’s card. 

The message will be sent for the period of time you choose before the birthday or on the birthday itself, local time.

It helps build loyalty with clients and promote discounts.

Configuring and editing

1. In the main menu go to the SettingsSystem settingsNotifications section and open the Types of notifications tab.

2. In the Client notifications section select Send Happy Birthday greetings and click Edit (the pencil button).


3. Enable the notification by checking the box.

4. Select one of three standard templates or create a new one.

5. Select the time to send the message: the available time is from 00:00 to 23:00, according to your time zone.

6. Specify the date to send the notification: a few days before birthday (from 1 to 14) or on the exact day.

7. Configure the Channels.

8. Click the Save button.



1. Happy birthday, %CLIENT_NAME%! Wishing you all the best and a joyful day. Always delighted to see you at %TITLE% %LINK%.

2. Have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday! Sincerely, %TITLE%

4. Your own template

Each template contains variables. Instead of these parameters data about appointments will be displayed:

  • %SALON_TITLE% — company name specified in Settings > My Location > Location Settings
  • %CLIENT_NAME% — name of the client

An example of the notification using the standard template:

“Have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday! Sincerely, Beauty Salon”
“Happy birthday Jennifer! Wishing you all the best and a joyful day. Always delighted to see you at Beauty Salon”

Updated on December 12, 2024

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