Altegio provides an efficient way to communicate with clients after their appointment through automatic messages. These messages can request feedback from both customers who booked through the online booking widget and those who were registered by the administrator through the Appointment Calendar.
The feedback request message includes a link, which the client can click to leave feedback about the work of the employee. Once the feedback has been submitted, it will be displayed in the online booking widget during the specialist selection step, providing valuable insights and information.
You can view all reviews you receive in the Overview — Reviews section.
Configuration and editing
The process of configuring and editing automatic feedback messages is straightforward and easy to navigate. Follow these steps:
1. In the main menu, navigate to the Settings – System settings – Notifications section and open the Types of notifications tab.
2. Under the “Notifications to client” section select either the “Request a review after a visit booked via online booking widget“ or “Request a review after a visit booked via appointment calendar“ and click Edit (the pencil button).
3. Ensure that the Status is set to “Enabled“.
4. Select from three pre-written templates or create your own custom message.
5. Specify the timing for sending the feedback request message.
6. If necessary, select conditions under which the message will not be sent to the client. These conditions include:
• Visit contains selected services: choose one or more services from the list. If the visit includes any of the specified services, the feedback request will not be sent.
• Client already reviewed the branch, employee, or service. This option helps to avoid sending duplicate feedback requests to the same client. If the client has already left a review for the branch (regardless of whether it was submitted through a widget or a feedback request message), the request will not be sent. Similarly, if the client has already left feedback for a visit with the same employee or service, the review request will not be sent.
7. Click the “Save” button to apply your changes and activate the automatic feedback request messages.
1. Please leave a review about your visit. Service: %SERVICE_TITLE%, %POSITION_TITLE%, %MASTER_NAME%, Time: %DATETIME%. %LINK%
2. Please leave a review about your visit %DATETIME%. %LINK%
3. Please leave a review on your visit %DATETIME%. %LINK%
4. Your own template.
Each template contains variables (links to appointment details). Instead of these parameters the following data about appointments will be displayed:
- %SERVICE_TITLE% — service name
%POSITION_TITLE% — position of an employee that you can indicate in the Online booking — Settings section:
- Choose how you want your employees to be called in online booking,
- “Employee”, genitive case,
- “Employee”, dative case,
- “Employee”, plural form.
- %MASTER_NAME% — employee’s name.
- %DATETIME% — date and time of the appointment.
- %DATETIME_SHORT% – date and time in a short sms-friendly format.
- %LINK% — link to the booking details.
- %CLIENT_NAME% — client’s name.
- %REVIEW_LINK% – link to leave a review.
An example of the Request a review notification (standard template):
‘Please leave a review about your visit. Service: Beard trim, barber Tim. Time January 1, 3 PM [link]’
Sending notification
The review request message is sent after a specified time interval, provided that the appointment status has been changed to “Arrived” before the end of the notification generation interval.
Before generating and sending a notification, the system considers the date and time of the visit, the settings for the notification type, and the amount of time that has passed since the end of the visit.
The appointment status must be changed to “Arrived” in a timely manner for the review request notification to be generated and sent.
For example, if a review request is set to be sent an hour after the appointment, and the appointment ended at 11:00, then the status must be changed to “Arrived” no later than 12:00 for the notification to be generated. If the status change occurs after this time, the notification will not be sent.
To ensure that notifications with review requests are generated correctly, it is recommended to change the appointment status to “Arrived” in advance, before the end of the appointment. This will help to avoid any errors or complications in the notification generation process.