Altegio now allows configuring package services, such as services provided “by four or more hands.” This is useful if your company offers multiple services simultaneously by different employees in a single appointment. The new settings are also suitable for cases where the same service is performed by multiple employees at the same time or where one employee provides several services consecutively. These services can also be grouped into a package with a discount applied.
Packages can be sequential or parallel and include 2 to 10 services. You can create package services in a location or the chain interface, set up online booking for them at the location, and create and edit package appointments in the appointment calendar.
Currently, package configuration is only available for individual services and in the web version of the program, but packages will soon be available in the Altegio mobile app. The new functionality is available exclusively in the updated Appointment Window 2.0. Package services are still under development and will soon be available to all Altegio users. If packages are not yet available to you, contact Altegio technical support or your manager. You can find their contact details in the Overview > Summary section. Your feedback is highly valuable and will help improve the functionality of packages.
Creating a Package
Go to the Settings > Main Settings > Services section in the main menu.
Packages use already-created individual services. If the services haven’t been created yet, follow the instructions to create them beforehand.
If a category for the package already exists, expand it. If not, create a new category. For more information on creating categories, click here.
In the expanded category, click Add and select Package.
Alternatively, click the Create button in the top-right corner and choose Package. If the category was not expanded in advance, the first category from the list will be selected by default. You can change it during or after package creation.
When creating a package, a new form will appear to configure its services. These settings are similar to those for individual services but include additional features specific to packages.
After completing all fields, click Create or Save if editing an existing package. Created packages will be marked with the “Package” icon in the services settings.
Configuring a Package
Packages can be created in locations or the chain interface. Creating a package in the chain interface is similar to location creation, but settings for online booking, resources, and translations into other languages can only be configured at the branch level.
Basic Package Parameters
On the Main settings tab:
Specify the package name (e.g., “Hardware Manicure + Hardware Pedicure”).
Select the service category. By default, the category where the package is created will be selected.
Add the services included in the package, set the order of services, and indicate the package price.
Package Services
In the Package services block, click Add a service.
In the modal window, select the services to include in the package. Expand the necessary category and mark the services. You can also use the search feature. Once selected, click Select.
Services must be created in advance to appear for selection.
You can select different services from different categories.
You can choose chain-level services.
A package can include 2 to 10 services.
The same service can be added multiple times, and you can set the quantity using the + and – buttons.
Only individual services can be added to a package; other packages are not displayed in the selection.
Each service must be assigned to an employee who provides it.
Service Sequence
Specify how the services will be provided:
Simultaneously – Services are provided by multiple specialists at the same time. For example, a manicure and pedicure performed simultaneously by two employees.
Sequentially – Services are provided one after the other by the same specialist. For example, eyebrow tinting followed by eyelash tinting.
The selected setting will affect the package duration:
For a simultaneous package, the duration will equal the longest service in the package.
For a sequential package, the duration will equal the total time for all services in the package.
Setting the Package Price
Specify the calculation type and price:
Sum of services: The price is the sum of the individual services in the package.
Manual pricing: Specify a custom price. The difference between the custom price and the sum of individual services will be proportionally distributed across the services.
Discount percentage: Set a percentage discount for the package. The discount will apply to all included services, and prices will be rounded to whole numbers.
Online Booking Settings for Packages
On the Online Booking tab, configure how the package will appear in the online booking widget:
Toggle whether the package is available for online booking. If disabled, only administrators can book the package manually in the appointment calendar.
Enter the package name for online booking. If left blank, the default name will be used.
Add a description highlighting the package’s benefits, materials used, and any other details to help clients choose. The description can include up to 450 characters.
Upload an image that reflects the package. Recommended size: 680×280 pixels; Max file size: 12 MB.
If necessary, enable the “The service is available for a limited time” option and specify the booking period, available days, and times.
Packages in the Appointment Calendar
Once created, clients can book packages online through the widget (if enabled), and administrators can manually create package appointments in the calendar.
Creating Package Appointments
Creating appointments for packages is similar to creating individual appointments. However, a single package appointment will create multiple linked appointments:
For a simultaneous package, appointments will be created for multiple employees at the same time.
For a sequential package, appointments will be created sequentially for the same employee.
Advanced Settings
You can also configure resources and translations for packages.
If resources are linked to the services in the package, they will appear in the Resources tab.
You can unlink resources for the package without affecting the resources in the individual services.
Add resources for the entire package if needed.