In the Aunio mobile application, it is now possible to view the current cost of services in a paid visit, taking into account applied loyalty benefits: discounts, bonuses, memberships, and gift cards. Additionally, customers can now view the products they purchased during the visit.
Display of Loyalty-Based Payment
Customers can now view not only the cost of a service in a paid visit but also the actual payment amount taking into account applied loyalty benefits: discounts, bonuses, memberships, and gift cards.
Displaying the actual payment amount is necessary if:
The customer paid for part of the visit with loyalty points, a gift card, or from their personal account.
The customer paid for the visit with a membership.
Some of the services were complimentary.
The customer received a discount on one or more services during the visit.
The service price at the time of booking was within a range.
New fields have been added to the visit records:
Total: The sum of the costs of all services and products minus discounts and applied loyalty benefits.
Paid: The actual payment amount made by cash or card.
Additionally, the visit records now display the accrued cashback amount, showing the total cashback earned for the visit.
Additionally, visit records now display the accrued cashback amount. The sum is shown for all cashback earned during the visit.
If a paid appointment is canceled, the payment associated with it will also be removed. In the app, such an appointment will display “Paid 0”:
If the payment was made through a connected payment method, when changing the status to “No-show,” the payment will be displayed in the app. However, if the appointment is deleted instead of changing its status, the payment will not be displayed.
If the payment was made using a different method, when changing to “No-show,” the amount displayed in the app will reset to zero, similar to when deleted.
How Loyalty Payment Display Works
If a discount was applied to the client’s visit (manually, through a loyalty program, or via a promotion), the appointment details will show a “Discount” field with the discount amount indicated with a negative sign. For example, Discount -$80.
If there was a deduction from the client’s personal account during the visit, the appointment details will display a “Deducted from personal account” field with the deducted amount indicated with a negative sign. For example, Deducted from personal account -$70.
If payment was made with a gift card during the visit, the appointment details will show a “Deducted from gift card” field with the deducted amount indicated with a negative sign. For example, Deducted from gift card -$40. Clicking on the gift card will allow access to its details, even if it’s depleted and not shown in the “Gift cards” section.
If payment was made with a loyalty card (redeeming bonuses/cashback), the appointment details will include a “Deducted cashback” field with the deducted amount indicated with a negative sign. For example, Deducted cashback -$15.10. Clicking on the cashback will navigate to the cashback details screen.
If payment was made with a membership, the appointment details will show a “Deducted from membership” field with the number of visits deducted. Clicking on the membership will allow access to its details, even if it’s depleted and not shown in the “Memberships” section.
Additionally, when paying with a membership, the membership discount is displayed. In Altegio, this option is called “Revising the cost with membership,” meaning the benefit of paying with a membership instead of cash.
How the revision works: The cost of the membership (e.g., $500) is divided by the number of visits (8). The resulting number ($62,5) is compared to the service cost without the membership (e.g., $40). If the service cost is lower, no revision occurs. If the service cost, for example, is $100, then there will be a revision of $100 – $62,5 = $37,5 – the price of this service with the membership.
If auto-debit is configured for a membership, payments made with such a membership will also be displayed in the app.
If auto-debit is triggered for a membership, but the appointment is canceled afterward:
If the appointment status is changed to “No-show,” the auto-debit will be displayed in the app.
If the appointment is deleted, the auto-debit will also be deleted, and consequently, such payment will not be displayed in the app.
For group events, the cost of one service is displayed. If a client occupies two or more seats in one event appointment, the total cost of the service is displayed considering the number of seats. Loyalty applied to group events is also displayed.
Purchased products are displayed in the cards of paid visits. In the visit details, the name and cost of each sold product from the visit are displayed. For paid products, the actual payment amount is also displayed, taking into account applied loyalty.
Aunio displays only products that were sold through the visit window. If a product was sold through the appointment calendar or inventory operation, it will not be displayed in the application.