In the Aunio mobile app, there is now an option to show customers their accumulated cashback. You can configure flexible bonus programs in the Altegio chain interface and encourage customers to choose your company more often by displaying their bonus balance in the app. If necessary, the display of cashback in the app can be disabled. Read on in this article to learn how it works and how to configure it.
If a customer has multiple loyalty cards at one location, on the main page:
– The cashback balance, promotions, and terms will be displayed for the card with cashback.
– If cashback is available on multiple cards, the card with the highest number of bonuses will be displayed.
– If the cashback balance is the same on different cards, the cashback from the last issued card will be displayed.
Cashback in the company card
When accessing the company card, a button with the cashback balance will be displayed, and its display conditions are almost identical to the main page of the application. The only difference is that the cashback with a zero balance is not displayed on the main page.
If a customer has a zero cashback balance on all cards but has an active loyalty card with active bonus programs, in this case, the button with a zero balance will display the message “Earn cashback for purchases and redeem it when paying at the checkout.” Also, in this case, the cashback from the last issued card will be displayed.
When clicking on the cashback button in the company card, a screen with cashback details will open. The information displayed on this screen will include the following:
– The amount of accumulated cashback.
– How the cashback can be redeemed.
– The conditions for earning cashback.
The information about the amount of accumulated cashback is the same as what is displayed on the main page and in the company card.
Under the amount of bonuses, it will show the amount and what the cashback can be spent on.
The redemption conditions are configured in the loyalty card type associated with the promotion, in the fields: “Limitation of application (points deduction),” “Limitation of payment by points (fixed amount),” and “Limitation of payment by points (% of check amount).”
Limitation of application (points deduction): Can be applied to any services, some services, any goods, some goods, as well as only services or only goods. If there are restrictions on goods and/or services, a list of such goods and services will be displayed below. When clicking on a service, the online booking widget will open with the selected service already chosen, provided that it is available for online booking at the location. If the service is chain-wide but not available for booking at the branch, it will be displayed, but it will not be possible to switch to the widget from it. If full restrictions on usage are set for both services and goods simultaneously, the app will display the message: “Please clarify the terms of cashback usage with the organization’s administrator.”
Limitation of payment by points (fixed amount): If a limitation on the application of a fixed amount is set, it will be displayed in the app. For example, if the limit is set to $555, it will be displayed as: “Cashback can be used to pay up to 100% of the cost of any goods and services, but not more than $555.”
Limitation of payment by points (% of check amount): If a limitation on the application of a percentage of the total bill amount is set, it will be displayed in the app. For example, if the limit is set to 50%, it will be displayed as: “Cashback can be used to pay up to 50% of the cost of any goods and services.”
In the future, there are also plans to add the display of points expiration conditions.
Cashback Accumulation Terms
In the “How to earn” section, information is displayed with the terms of cashback accumulation.
The terms correspond to promotions with the type “Bonuses” attached to the loyalty card.
Depending on the type of bonuses and conditions in the promotion, different information will be displayed:
Fixed bonuses — the amount of cashback (percentage or sum) that will be accrued.
Cumulative bonuses based on the number of visits — the current cashback amount (percentage or sum) and how many visits are left until moving to the next cashback level.
Accumulative bonuses based on the amount — the current cashback amount (percentage or sum) and how much is left to spend until moving to the next cashback level.
Accumulative bonuses within a visit — the current cashback amount (percentage or sum) and how much is left to spend within one visit to move to the next cashback level.
Also, depending on the set limitations on bonus accrual in the promotion, different information will be displayed:
You will receive cashback when paying for the following products — an expandable block with products.
You will receive cashback when paying for the following services — an expandable block with services. If specific services are specified in the promotion, rather than service categories, you can proceed from the selected service to the online booking widget. This service will be selected immediately after the transition, provided it is available for online booking at the branch. If the service is network-wide but not available for booking at the branch, it will be displayed, but you cannot proceed to the widget from there.
You will receive cashback when paying for the following services and items — an expandable block with products and services.
Please clarify the conditions for cashback accrual with the organization’s administrator — such a message will appear if limitations apply to both products and services.
Restrictions on cashback accrual are specified when creating promotions in the chain section “Loyalty” > “Promotions.”
Setting Up Cashback Display in the Aunio App
Setting up cashback display in the Aunio app requires the following steps:
Create a loyalty card in the Altegio chain interface in the “Loyalty” > “Card types” section, as well as a bonus promotion in the “Loyalty” > “Promotions” section and link it to the card. For more details on setting up the loyalty bonus system, refer to the article.
Once the card with the attached promotion is created, issue it to the customer. Instructions for issuing cards to customers can be found here.
After issuance, the cashback will be displayed in the app on the main page and on the company page. Additionally, from the company page, users can navigate to the cashback details screen.
If necessary, the cashback display in the app can be disabled at any time in the loyalty card settings under the “Display cashback for this card in Aunio” field. After disabling, the customer will no longer see cashback and its details for the card and associated promotions on the main page and on the company page. However, they can still access the loyalty card in the old version from their personal account (in future updates, access to cashback in the old version will be unavailable).
After disabling cashback display for the card, changes for the customer will occur instantly. There is no need to reinstall or re-enter the app; simply refresh the main page by pulling it down.